On Mentors

On Mentors

We all need someone to show us the next step in complex life chapters. We may have heroes, people who have accomplished something we admire, but that seems so far out of our reach that all we can do is look from afar and appreciate their standing. Exemplars are those who embody perfection for a…

Facial Disfigurement

Facial Disfigurement

The Americans with Disabilities Act contains a three prong definition of disability. It is: 1. having a limitation to a major life activity, 2. having a history of such a limitation and, 3. being perceived as having such a limitation. The first is obvious, activities like seeing, walking, breathing, or thinking. The second means that,…

On the Idea of Memorial Day

On the Idea of Memorial Day

Once a year we stop and our national attention is drawn to the remembrance of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice during military service. But the reason for having a day of remembrance should carry all year long. Therefore, this blog is still timely; it’s reminding us to think deeply about those who protect our…

On Mental Health and Men

On Mental Health and Men

Mental health is part of all of our natures, and each of us is responsible for the maintenance of our emotional, psychological, spiritual, and interpersonal health.This includes our boundaries with everyone else, and expression of our feelings towards others.. We live in a time when going to counseling has become a norm, one which few…