Showing 1–16 of 29 results

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- Administrative Assistants
- American Sign Language Interpreter
- Original Song Recording and Assembly
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- Sound and Video Stage Technology
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*Jeff and Cristi Moyer receive no compensation!
We sincerely thank you for your support!

Good Medicine! is a varietal showcase collection of Jeff’s songwriting, from the mid 70’s through the early 90’s. Jeff’s impeccable guitar and harmonica playing are showcased in solo performances and while supported by the versatile keyboardist Allan Douglas. This collection is unique in that it includes story songs, songs with universal spiritual content, bluegrass, songs of family and songs for children of all ages. The disc concludes with a rehabilitation engineering and recording studio first. The stirring “Children of the Light”, is a song that Jeff recorded with Third Street Kids, a performing arts program for young people with and without disabilities, in Tucson, Arizona.

Good Medicine! is a varietal showcase collection of Jeff’s songwriting, from the mid 70’s through the early 90’s. Jeff’s impeccable guitar and harmonica playing are showcased in solo performances and while supported by the versatile keyboardist Allan Douglas. This collection is unique in that it includes story songs, songs with universal spiritual content, bluegrass, songs of family and songs for children of all ages. The disc concludes with a rehabilitation engineering and recording studio first. The stirring “Children of the Light”, is a song that Jeff recorded with Third Street Kids, a performing arts program for young people with and without disabilities, in Tucson, Arizona.
PREVIEW Track 1: “You Are Water”

GRIT – A FAMILY MEMOIR ON ADVERSITY AND TRIUMPH is a groundbreaking memoir on American Disability History and overcoming adversity, by award winning songwriter and award winning documentarian Jeff Moyer. GRIT tells the monumental story of one family’s struggle with multiple disabilities beginning before the Disability Rights Movement changed the American landscape. It tells of Jeff Moyer’s role as the troubadour of that movement. Senator John McCain reflected, “I appreciate and remember Jeff being at the signing of the ADA…” (Americans With Disabilities Act). Jeff played his song “The ADA Anthem” following the signing of the law at a Senate reception. GRIT is important for both American and Disability History in part because it documents the horrors of State Institutions for individuals with cognitive disabilities, within which Jeff’s younger brother Mark languished for 33 years until Jeff was able to pull him out and establish a supported living home for him in Jeff’s neighborhood. While Mark is central to GRIT, the memoir also details their father’s overcoming alcoholism, overradiation and resulting loss of his lower jaw and ability to speak and swallow. GRIT tells the story of Jeff’s resilience in the face of progressive blindness and hearing loss and his son Kyle’s living effectively with undiagnosed, severe ADHD. In addition, the book tells the story of Jeff’s role as a leader in the Disability Rights Movement and his work in assistive technology that included his role evaluating the speech synthesizer that became the speech prosthesis used by Dr. Stephen Hawking until his death. Further, it documents Jeff’s experience as a kidney donor with resulting severe and chronic pain. Jeff’s donation saved the life of a woman he had not met, daughter of a friend. GRIT is a multifaceted book that offers new contributions to American History, Disability History, and Psychology. GRIT combines so many important aspects through the telling of the Moyer Families life over the last 65 years that it deserves to be taught in every school and celebrated in every family. One reviewer stated “This book will be quoted often in living rooms and hallowed places of learning.” GRIT offers hope and inspiration for families and individuals struggling with adversity and lifts high the banner of the normalcy of diversity and the human hearts power to overcome loss and resistance to change.

GRIT – A FAMILY MEMOIR ON ADVERSITY AND TRIUMPH is a groundbreaking memoir on American Disability History and overcoming adversity, by award winning songwriter and award winning documentarian Jeff Moyer. GRIT tells the monumental story of one family’s struggle with multiple disabilities beginning before the Disability Rights Movement changed the American landscape. It tells of Jeff Moyer’s role as the troubadour of that movement. Senator John McCain reflected, “I appreciate and remember Jeff being at the signing of the ADA…” (Americans With Disabilities Act). Jeff played his song “The ADA Anthem” following the signing of the law at a Senate reception. GRIT is important for both American and Disability History in part because it documents the horrors of State Institutions for individuals with cognitive disabilities, within which Jeff’s younger brother Mark languished for 33 years until Jeff was able to pull him out and establish a supported living home for him in Jeff’s neighborhood. While Mark is central to GRIT, the memoir also details their father’s overcoming alcoholism, overradiation and resulting loss of his lower jaw and ability to speak and swallow. GRIT tells the story of Jeff’s resilience in the face of progressive blindness and hearing loss and his son Kyle’s living effectively with undiagnosed, severe ADHD. In addition, the book tells the story of Jeff’s role as a leader in the Disability Rights Movement and his work in assistive technology that included his role evaluating the speech synthesizer that became the speech prosthesis used by Dr. Stephen Hawking until his death. Further, it documents Jeff’s experience as a kidney donor with resulting severe and chronic pain. Jeff’s donation saved the life of a woman he had not met, daughter of a friend. GRIT is a multifaceted book that offers new contributions to American History, Disability History, and Psychology. GRIT combines so many important aspects through the telling of the Moyer Families life over the last 65 years that it deserves to be taught in every school and celebrated in every family. One reviewer stated “This book will be quoted often in living rooms and hallowed places of learning.” GRIT offers hope and inspiration for families and individuals struggling with adversity and lifts high the banner of the normalcy of diversity and the human hearts power to overcome loss and resistance to change.

This 123 page book includes the script, director’s score and individual scores for members of string orchestra and chorus. Permission is given for everything to be copied for school use. A counseling guide provides curriculum for discussion of each of the eight scenes in the play or a suggested structure for use in counseling students who bully or otherwise aggress upon other students. The content of the play and the questions in the counseling guide are broad and apply to the many matters in school social behavior that disrupt the harmony of school life. Upon the plays premier, in 1998, a theater critic wrote that the play holds the promise of changing a generation. Reader’s Theater performance of the script by adults have been poignant demonstrations that we all carry memories of violators, bullies and bystanders brought into consciousness by the play and opened for the potential of healing.

How Big Is Your Circle? is a musical for schools that addresses the toxic spiral of exclusion, ridicule and violence against children with devalued differences. The script and songs (for performance by string orchestra and chorus) are grades 3-8. However, theater groups of young adults have performed work and upon query have stated they did not feel the play was too juvenile for their performance and appreciation. The CD includes the eight accompaniment tracks for the work which can be used as the underpinning of choral and string orchestra performance. In addition, the CD includes the full performance of the work with youth string orchestra and chorus performing the songs over the accompaniment tracks.

How Big Is Your Circle? is a musical CD and book for classroom use or full performances by grades 3 through 8. This set addresses the healing of exclusion, ridicule, and violence against children with differences, who feel devalued within school communities. Circle is a powerful, realistic, and positive with 8 songs, (scored for string orchestra and chorus,) which affirm the wholeness of all students and the importance of courage, forgiveness and community among children and young people.

How Big Is Your Circle? is a musical for schools that addresses the toxic spiral of exclusion, ridicule and violence against children with devalued differences. The script and songs (for performance by string orchestra and chorus) are grades 3-8. However, theater groups of young adults have performed work and upon query have stated they did not feel the play was too juvenile for their performance and appreciation. The CD includes the eight accompaniment tracks for the work which can be used as the underpinning of choral and string orchestra performance. In addition, the CD includes the full performance of the work with youth string orchestra and chorus performing the songs over the accompaniment tracks.

Lest We Forget is two CD audio documentary/expose on state institutions that imprisoned people with cognitive disabilities. It presents the faux medical reasons for their segregation in these ghastly prisons and the long and continuing movement toward community integration. Lest is drawn from 35 hours of oral histories with individuals who had lived within Ohio’s state institutions and their families. It also includes the histories of the staff who worked and still work within their walls and the advocates and program pioneers who have established community-based services.

Jeff Moyer has written over 500 songs. Jeff began writing love songs in 1965. This album represents the best of those creations. Beginning with the flair of attraction, songs of proposal, marriage and the sheer delight of being in love. This diverse collection of Moyer’s love songs were all crafted for his wife Cris.

Jeff Moyer has written over 500 songs. Jeff began writing love songs in 1965. This album represents the best of those creations. Beginning with the flair of attraction, songs of proposal, marriage and the sheer delight of being in love. This diverse collection of Moyer’s love songs were all crafted for his wife Cris.

Maxwell The Dancing Dog is an award-winning collection of songs for young children and families. This CD represents 25 years of songs by Jeff Moyer that have delighted, entertained and engaged children and audiences of all ages. Maxwell contains sixteen songs that dance along the musical spectrum and four that are sung with an inclusive class of kindergarten and preschool age children.

Maxwell The Dancing Dog is an award-winning collection of songs for young children and families. This CD represents 25 years of songs by Jeff Moyer that have delighted, entertained and engaged children and audiences of all ages. Maxwell contains sixteen songs that dance along the musical spectrum and four that are sung with an inclusive class of kindergarten and preschool age children.

Peace Sweet Peace is a field-tested album of original songs for hospice by award-winning songwriter Jeff Moyer. The songs address the emotional, spiritual and interpersonal needs of people approaching the end of life, their loved ones and caregivers. The lyrics focus on the cycle of life, continuation of the soul, forgiveness and inner peace.
Jeff’s choice of language and themes are nearly universal, making the album accessible to people of many faiths. PSP has been helping hospice families and patients for 13 years, principally at Hospice of the Western Reserve, where Jeff volunteered as a musician and gave away 1500 copies of his CD. The collection includes solo recordings of Jeff’s soothing baritone voice and elegant guitar playing. On several tracks he is accompanied by a trio of classical musicians: Josie Harris on piano, Rebecca Lee Harris on violin and Jessie Smith Edwards on cello.

Peace Sweet Peace is a field-tested album of original songs for hospice by award-winning songwriter Jeff Moyer. The songs address the emotional, spiritual and interpersonal needs of people approaching the end of life, their loved ones and caregivers. The lyrics focus on the cycle of life, continuation of the soul, forgiveness and inner peace.
Jeff’s choice of language and themes are nearly universal, making the album accessible to people of many faiths. PSP has been helping hospice families and patients for 13 years, principally at Hospice of the Western Reserve, where Jeff volunteered as a musician and gave away 1500 copies of his CD. The collection includes solo recordings of Jeff’s soothing baritone voice and elegant guitar playing. On several tracks he is accompanied by a trio of classical musicians: Josie Harris on piano, Rebecca Lee Harris on violin and Jessie Smith Edwards on cello.